Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I Can Sew...Really, I Can!

My sister asked me the other day, "Becky, have you always been this creative and we just didn't know it?" My answer - I guess so! I have spent the last week just sewing my little heart out - seriously! I've been staying up until 2am cutting and sewing and thinking about what I'm going to sew the next day - I just can't seem to help myself. The funny thing is, I think I'm actually pretty good at it. Who knew sewing could be so much fun? You seriously need to try it! Here are some of the more recent things I've sewn for the ladies going to Tanzania this month:
Wetbag for beach days
Jewelry Pouch
Jewelry pouch opened - this turned out AWESOME!
Bedside Organizer
Bedside organizer "in use" (a different pattern, obviously)

On another note - my baby sister, Laura, left for Tanzania this week, so I want to spend a little time reminiscing about how absolutely amazing she is. I can't express how proud I am of her. She's got such a quality about her. I can't describe it, but I think that means that it's just the glory of God shining through her life. Laura will be spending the next month serving the Lord on the mission field. She worked so hard to make this trip possible. She sent out letters (which seems to be the most popular way to raise money these days), but didn't stop there. She handcrafted cards and sold them at our local market (if she were to calculate her time she probably would have made maybe $.50 an hour working on them), she put flamingos in peoples' yards for almost a month, and worked all year to put some of her own money toward her trip. When did my little sister grow up? All of a sudden she's a mature young woman!!! And very beautiful too, may I add. She didn't even quit working until right before she left, and she's only going to be home for a weekend before she heads off to college (where's the selfishness in that, right?). God has blessed me with an awesome sister, and I am so looking forward to all the ways He is going to use her as His vessel in the future.

Samweli and Auntie Laura, the night before she left

And COMING SOON: You may have noticed the new tabs below my blog title. These tabs work, but for now they go to pages with nothing. Eventually, I'll be getting my project pictures and cute photos of Samweli posted under these headings so even if you miss a couple blogs you can catch up that way. Or you may just want to show off my cute baby to your friends and it will be an easy way to do it (I don't like facebook's new picture viewer, ick). OR - and this is a big OR - you MIGHT see something that I made that interested you and want to go look at it again so you can try to make it yourself! Like I said, eventually, that will get posted. Haha.

Here's a few new pictures of Samweli to keep you tied over until then:


Kimberly Pearce said...

Love it all! Especially your blurb on what a wonderful baby sister we have - seriously, she is growing up!! I want some of these super adorable pictures of Samuel!!

Laura Pearce said...

Aww, thanks Becky!! I already miss you guys! Can't wait to get home and tell you guys all about my trip, even though we are still traveling. Lol. Love you guys!!

alycia. said...

Wow! Awesome sewing projects! I'm jealous!! Sewing and gardening are my fears I have to conquer!! I loooove the pictures, and I can't believe how BIG Sammy is already....and do you like "sammy" or is that not okay to call him? =) Miss you.