Sunday, May 29, 2011

Project #1 - Cloth Wipes

A couple nights ago I made a list of all the sewing projects I want to finish. Last night and today I got to work on my #1 project - making cloth wipes. It makes no sense to me why I should use cloth diapers, but then have to keep another trash can in Samweli's room to throw disposable wipes into. 

I finally decided to cut up his receiving blankets to upcycle instead of buying new flannel. I also upcycled a pair of old corduroy pants that I had sitting around that I will probably never fit into again. (Selling them at a garage sale, I might get $2. Buying a 1/2 yard of corduroy = $5 + tax. I think I made the right choice.) The before pictures are below:

I ended up using only the receiving blankets with white backgrounds.
I didn't need all of them, so I'll save the others for another project.

I was so excited about how these turned out. I've heard some great things about corduroy getting poop off babies' bums so I'm looking forward to testing it out for myself. This project also meant that I got to use my new serger! Well, it's new to me at least. It makes me want to serge everything! You can't possibly imagine how much fun it is until you do it...I'm not kidding. :) Pictured below are my super-cute cloth wipes:

You can see that the wipes fit into a normal dispenser and, when folded correctly, even pop up as you pull them out!

Here's a list of my projects still to come:
  • Zorb 2 soakers (absorbent inserts for my cloth diapers)
  • Pillow case (for my sister's friend)
  • CD for the diaper swap
  • Serged cd with ruffled legs (with practice materials)
  • QSFW flat made with Zorb 2 (to try out as an overnight diaper)
  • Diaper cover (to go over his overnight diaper)
  • Wetbag (can be used to transport anything wet - diapers, swimsuits, etc.)
Just for the record, I am hoping that this blog doesn't turn out to be ONLY about my sewing projects, but for now, that's just what's keeping me busy! I hope you have an amazing Memorial Day. While you're enjoying your holiday, spend some time reflecting on the lives that have been sacrificed so that we could live the way we do today - those of our veterans and the greatest sacrifice of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

Friday, May 27, 2011

About my Blog

Today I want to share a little bit more about what you might find on my blog. I titled my blog Fluff and Other Stuff because I have recently fallen in love with sewing - actually I've fallen in love with sewing cloth diapers. And for those of you who aren't around me much and don't know - I've become quite addicted to it. So that is where the "fluff" comes in. Besides that I just wanted my blog to have a cutesy title that rhymed. And there you have - Fluff and Other Stuff. (The "stuff" part will cover pretty much anything else I could possibly think of blogging about so I went with it.)

Here's a little bit more about how I got started in sewing and CDing (that's cloth-diapering for those of you who don't know my special lingo...haha). I got a great deal on gDiapers - a hybrid diapering system (you can use cloth or disposable, but earth-friendly inserts) - but they unfortunately didn't fit very good on Samweli. So I decided to try and sew a cloth diaper - because CDs are so stinking expensive! How hard could it really be to put a few stitches into a piece of fabric, right? Well, that brought me to now. With the help of my mom and a friend, I think I've become a pretty good beginner seamstress. Now, I want to sew anything green (earth friendly, that is) - unpaper towels (it's the modern name for cloth towels), cloth napkins, cloth diapers, cloth wipes, cloth clothes (hehe), cloth anything! You will probably see lots of pictures of my ventures in sewing, as I am very proud that I can even sew a stitch.

For now, here are the pictures of Samweli "helping" me do the laundry...which, yes, I did eventually get around to doing the other day :)

Safety Note: If you decide to let your 6 month old play in a
laundry basket, be sure he's not on anything elevated and
that he's surrounded by soft things. That way when he falls
over and bonks his head, it will be on something soft. :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My First Post

As my house gets messier, I keep looking for ways to procrastinate having to do the chores...hence, the beginning of my blog. I know you're probably thinking, "the last thing I need is another blog about someone's random thoughts to read," but then again, here you are - reading. You're probably just putting off your housework too. I have no clue what this blog will grow into, if anything. As a matter of fact, I'm not even planning on sharing it with anyone at this point, but I need somewhere to write down all the ideas that keep running through my head, keeping me up at night, so I'm starting here. Hopefully, I'll eventually get an "about me" tab up (although I have no idea how to do that) and then you can read a short blurb about my positively blessed life. And now my baby woke up so I'm going to post this for now and go on with the rest of my day. Hope you enjoy what's to come (if anything ever does, that is).