Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My First Post

As my house gets messier, I keep looking for ways to procrastinate having to do the chores...hence, the beginning of my blog. I know you're probably thinking, "the last thing I need is another blog about someone's random thoughts to read," but then again, here you are - reading. You're probably just putting off your housework too. I have no clue what this blog will grow into, if anything. As a matter of fact, I'm not even planning on sharing it with anyone at this point, but I need somewhere to write down all the ideas that keep running through my head, keeping me up at night, so I'm starting here. Hopefully, I'll eventually get an "about me" tab up (although I have no idea how to do that) and then you can read a short blurb about my positively blessed life. And now my baby woke up so I'm going to post this for now and go on with the rest of my day. Hope you enjoy what's to come (if anything ever does, that is).

1 comment:

Baileys4missions said...

hey girl! love your blog so far, i'm also new to sewing and have done a few things like burp clothes and a minky blanket for my baby boy! but i am interested in sewing a fitted dipe out of scraps/old receiving blankets, etc. just doing my research on patterns still..so we're like two peas in a pod i suppose! looking forward to seeing what you have sewn so far! :-)