Friday, May 27, 2011

About my Blog

Today I want to share a little bit more about what you might find on my blog. I titled my blog Fluff and Other Stuff because I have recently fallen in love with sewing - actually I've fallen in love with sewing cloth diapers. And for those of you who aren't around me much and don't know - I've become quite addicted to it. So that is where the "fluff" comes in. Besides that I just wanted my blog to have a cutesy title that rhymed. And there you have - Fluff and Other Stuff. (The "stuff" part will cover pretty much anything else I could possibly think of blogging about so I went with it.)

Here's a little bit more about how I got started in sewing and CDing (that's cloth-diapering for those of you who don't know my special lingo...haha). I got a great deal on gDiapers - a hybrid diapering system (you can use cloth or disposable, but earth-friendly inserts) - but they unfortunately didn't fit very good on Samweli. So I decided to try and sew a cloth diaper - because CDs are so stinking expensive! How hard could it really be to put a few stitches into a piece of fabric, right? Well, that brought me to now. With the help of my mom and a friend, I think I've become a pretty good beginner seamstress. Now, I want to sew anything green (earth friendly, that is) - unpaper towels (it's the modern name for cloth towels), cloth napkins, cloth diapers, cloth wipes, cloth clothes (hehe), cloth anything! You will probably see lots of pictures of my ventures in sewing, as I am very proud that I can even sew a stitch.

For now, here are the pictures of Samweli "helping" me do the laundry...which, yes, I did eventually get around to doing the other day :)

Safety Note: If you decide to let your 6 month old play in a
laundry basket, be sure he's not on anything elevated and
that he's surrounded by soft things. That way when he falls
over and bonks his head, it will be on something soft. :)

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