Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Too Many Milestones

It's been a couple weeks since I've posted - I just can't seem to find the time as I try to take care of my crazy kid! This month has been a blur of firsts for Samweli - first tooth, first sickness, first time to pull himself up - along with starting to sit up, scoot, baby talk, take a pacifier (finally), and really get into the whole baby food thing. It wears me out just thinking about how much he's grown up this month. And as I see him getting stronger everyday, I feel like I'm counting down the seconds until he takes his first steps and stops being my tiny little baby that I brought home just a few months ago. When I actually think about it, I can't believe that in less than half a year, he'll be 1...1...1 <---(insert dramatic echo here) Can you believe it? I can't go there emotionally...let's move on.

Besides all of Samweli's firsts, we've had lots more going on. During the past month, Noe's cousin and her family from Minnesota came for a visit, we got a new/used car for me (yay for a bigger vehicle to change poopy diapers in), and we celebrated Noe's first Father's Day. Now, if we could just sleep through the night!

For Father's Day we took Noe to Buffalo Wild Wings for endless wings and then spent the afternoon at Bass Pro Shop where he - I mean we - enjoyed hours of shopping. He came home with lots of goodies for Buck, our dog, and on Sunday we surprised him with this bag for his training decoys:

I used a really simple online tutorial to make this. Samweli really enjoyed playing
with the strap while I sewed it up. I actually impressed myself by adding
lining AND pockets. 

Here's a little bit of diaper fluff:

From left: Guitar print diaper I received for a swap;
Fitted diaper made from Noe's old work vests;
Blue flame diaper made for a swap; and
ruffled and serged diaper that is super-cute...
and maybe a little girly - just don't tell my son


Laura Pearce said...

super cute pictures! i LOVE your blog!

Kimberly Pearce said...

What about pictures of your super cute items you sent with all the girls to Tanzania?? You should share those too!