Sunday, July 29, 2012

First Art Project

I find great ideas on Pinterest all the time. I was really excited to actually DO one the other day! Here's Samweli's first art project. He was so cute working on his painting. We used condensed milk and food coloring to make a less runny paint. The paint ended up being runnier than I thought it would though, so we quickly added some newsprint under his canvas. :) 

And since we hardly used any of the milk, we got to enjoy one of his Daddy's favorite treats later - sliced peaches covered with sweetened condensed milk, yummy! 

Here's a few other internet finds that I've enjoyed lately:
Paper Bag Popcorn - I like this article I linked, but my favorite way to make it is to only use 1/4 c. popcorn and add in 1/2 tsp. olive oil along with the popcorn salt before popping.
The Peaceful Mom - I am really into this blog. I've especially enjoyed her recipes and meal planning sections along with her "Brain in a Binder" which I just can't say enough about how well it's helping me organize my life.
Soap Clouds - These are great for times when dirty kids just do not want to get into the bathtub.

Have a blessed week!

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