Sunday, February 5, 2012

Newborn Stash

This is what you've all been waiting for (dun, dun, dunnnnnn). Really, I know you're just excited because I'm so excited, but it doesn't matter - I love that you're looking, I don't care why. Here are the pics and details of the (fingers crossed) awesomely perfect newborn diaper stash that I sewed up for my friend. I'm so grateful that she trusted me to guide her into the world of cloth diapers AND that she had enough confidence in my sewing to rely on me for her entire newborn stash. I hope they fit for more than 2 weeks. :)

Diaper Pail Liner (for home) and Wet Bag (for on the go) 
FOE Bound (2) and Turned & Topstitched (3) Covers:
The FOE bound are 1 layer of PUL so the inside is wipeable.
The T&T covers are PUL outer with suedecloth inner.
I used BaaBaaBaby, Bramblestitches, and Chloe Toes Side Snap patterns.
Shar's Umbilical Scoop Newborn Pocket Nappy (5)
I loathe pocket diapers, but since so many mamas use them,
I thought it was only fair to let her try some out.
She's just going to stuff these with some small washcloths.
The checkered ones are 2 layers of flannel.
The camo one is a cotton outer and crushed panne inner,
so it will feel dry even after baby wets the diaper.
EZDipe (6)
These are AWESOME. I might even sew some of these up for Noe to use on Samweli.
They are the perfect daddy-diaper. There is only one snap on each side,
and they can't be put on backwards or inside out. Daddy-Proof!
I've put 2 layers of Zorb inside each diaper.
QSFW with added leg and back elastic (2 of each print)
These are just 2 layers of flannel each, but when all folded up
they become 6 layers in the wetzone.
These are easy - plus, I get to use my serger. :)
QSFW all laid out - just so you can see how cool it is.

Because we used a lot of old flannel, coupons for expensive PUL, and fabrics that I found on-the-cheap, this whole stash only cost about $30-$40. And the pail liner and wet bag will be able to be used for years. I'd say that's pretty good!

Here are a few tidbits about newborn cloth diapering, just in case the cuteness didn't pull you over to the eco/wallet-friendly world of CDing yet.

  • Exclusively breast-fed babies' poop is 90% water. This means you don't have to rinse before throwing the diapers in the wash. This includes the meconium poop - absolutely NO RINSING!
  • Newborn babies poop pretty much every time they pee, so you're changing them a lot - meaning you don't need a lot of fabric for absorbency!
  • Many CDing mamas believe that in the early weeks of life, babies learn that they don't like the feeling of being wet. If you feel the inside of a disposable diaper, you'll notice it feels pretty dry (unless it's soaked). Wet cloth diaper = earlier potty training.
While I don't know if there is a factual basis for the third claim, the other two will get you thinking. And just for the sake of saying it - cloth diapering doesn't have to be an all or nothing way of life. Try using cloth at home and disposables when you go out. OR skip the newborn stage completely and start diapering when they fit into one-size diapers. After feeling the hit to your wallet from the early diapering days, you'll be glad you switched over to the world of cloth.

Be blessed!


Jolene B said...

Becky, I am so impressed! You are very talented and so organized. I am so proud of you. Little Sam is blessed to have you for his mommy! I love reading your blog.

RaeO said...

Nice stash - I love variety in a newborn stash!!

And I really think the earlier potty training is cloth-diapered daughter was potty trained before 19 months (with the exception of overnight); so it seemed to work for us!

Mama Samweli said...

Thank you all your help Rachel! If it weren't for you, I don't know that I'd ever have gotten anything figured out without your blog! Thank you, thank you, thank you!