Monday, February 6, 2012

Samweli's Room - House Pics Post 1

To be honest, before we got our 16-week ultrasound, I was positive I was going to give birth to a precious girl. I really didn't care if our baby was a boy or a girl, I was just very sure I already knew - girl.period.girl. I guess my mother's intuition needed a little more maturing. I was very clearly wrong. We had planned to go shopping that afternoon to register for all things baby in celebration of our little one. Unfortunately, I had the baby blues and picked more of a gender neutral theme than Samweli's daddy would have preferred:

As you can see, it's cute, but it doesn't really scream BOY. Samweli now has a room that his daddy can be proud of, and he loves it! By "he" I mean Samuel, but you could take it as "Noe" if you want. They are both in Baby Boy Heaven.

Here is Samweli's new Hunting Room:
***Caution - if you are against the hunting of animals, don't continue on. My husband loves -  and my son will soon love - to shoot things.***

This is his room looking from the door. We found a great camo rug on clearance,
and the camo blanket was actually a shower gift from a friend, Jolene.
She recently started selling her ultra-plush blankets since everyone
LOVES them. You can check them out here.
I found this awesome wood sign with a bear on it and decided to incorporate bears
along with the ducks and deer I had originally planned on doing.
And the framed "art" idea came together thanks to Emily.
(They are just those vinyl wall stickers put on white paper.
Don't tell anyone though, they look like prints.)
Noe and I both found these metal signs which
I think look really cool in his little boy room. :)
The deer antler sign over the dresser says "HUNTING".
He knows what each animal on his wall is.
I still need to get a plain green changing pad cover,
and you can't see it, but the lamp shade has ducks on it too.
My mom got the light switch plate in Tennessee
and the (fake) antlers were a perfect spot to hang
his camo jacket.
"Little Bear" ended up being the perfect addition
to his bedroom. It's a tree carving from Tennessee
that was picked out by his Grandma, Babu, Bibi,
and Aunt Stacey. It's the one thing in his room
that's too heavy for him to push around,
but he loves giving him hugs. So sweet!

There's one more corner of his room that needs finished, but I have ideas for it. I've just got to decide how to mount the Benjamin that Samweli's Pop gave him to hang in his room.

Well, that's one room in the house finished. Only the rest of the house to go! That doesn't sound too overwhelming, does it?

1 comment:

Jolene B said...

His room is adorable, Becky! I know Noe is proud. Thanks for mentioning the blankets!