Cloth Diapering

I'm so happy to be some of my friends' new "go-to gal" for cloth diapering. Since I've been asked to share my advice privately for some time now, I thought I'd go ahead and make a post about it, so I can stop retyping it over and over (not that I mind; sometimes my kids just get more of my time than my computer).

First things first - you MUST learn the lingo and get a clear cut vision of your reason for choosing cloth diapers. If you don't, you'll have so many questions and end up quitting because there's a lot to take in. Take some time to read through this awesome document. <----Click that hyperlink.

Okay, now that you've decided why you are CDing, you have a general idea of what's out there, and you're familiar with the lingo I can teach you my ways. Hahaha.

Quick Start
Wash Routine
Types and Sizes


There is a lot to learn when it comes to cloth diapering - so keep in mind that if at first you don't succeed, try again! Cloth diapering does work. It justs takes a little time to find the right fit and wash routine. :) Happy learning!

Follow the links below to visit some of my favorite resources:

Cloth Diapers - The Basics
Cloth Diaper Sewing 101 - BabyCenter
Arfy's Blog
MamaKat Newborn Diaper Reviews

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