Thursday, June 12, 2014

Cloth Diaper Quick Start

This page is here if you are looking for a simplified start to cloth diapering. This is what I would recommend if you don't want to do (what can feel like) never-ending research. This is also probably one of the most inexpensive ways to start CDing.

You'll need:
- 24 prefolds    (absorbs the pee)
- 4-5 covers     (keeps you and everything the baby touches from getting wet)
- diaper pail      (holds the diapers, can be a trashcan)
- pail liner        (keeps the diaper pail dry, made of same fabric as covers)
- wetbag          (like a pail liner for your diaper bag)
- Snappis        (fastener to keep the prefold wrapped around baby)

You can find all of these items new, here and used prefolds and covers, here. If you have a new baby, I recommend buying small (yellow-edge, if you're purchasing from these sites) prefolds. You can wrap and fasten them together with a Snappi and once they are outgrown, you simply trifold them and extend their use into the toddler years. Don't stress over finding "the perfect" diaper cover for your baby. Every baby is different, so you're just going to have to guess which one you want and hope for the best. Get a couple different brands.

You can use disposable or cloth wipes. Surprise, disposable wipes can actually be thrown into the diaper pail with a dirty diaper, washed, and thrown away after drying. They don't disintegrate in the washer.

Cloth wipes can be extraordinarily good at getting poo off of a bootie - much more efficient than disposable ones. For cloth wipes you will need a wipes solution. You can use just water or (my favorite) a bottle filled with water, a tablespoon of olive oil, a squirt of baby soap, and a couple drops of tea tree oil.

There is a lot of conflicting information about what detergents can and cannot be used. It all comes down to your water and your washing machine. Tide Original works for me. All Free & Clear works for me. A homemade mix of OxiClean, Borax, and washing soda works for me. I say start with the easiest thing and work your way through other detergent options if you begin to have laundry issues.

You basically want to steer clear of enzymes, brighteners, dyes, fragrances, softeners, and bleach (yes, I know that is all the good stuff that makes your clothes feel clean and happy on you). DO NOT USE FABRIC SOFTENERS ON YOUR DIAPERS.

Alright! I'm going to stop now or this is going to become a little deeper than a simple start for you! You WILL have more questions. Ask your friends, ask your mom, ask me! Thanks for letting me help you.

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