Yup, he climbed right up in there all by himself and then turned himself around. You think he wanted to go for a walk or what? |
In the past few days Samweli has also reached some other exciting milestones. He clapped for the first time during praise and worship Sunday morning. :) He also crawled a few feet yesterday (which I think he's been capable of doing for a long time, he just doesn't seem to care to do it unless he's on a hard floor). He has also started sleeping in his own room through the night, and much to my dismay, won't sleep in with me anymore in the morning, even when I bring him into my own bed.
Since he's sleeping so much better on his own now, Noe and I decided to make some cookies after he went to bed the other night. Normally there is NO cooking happening when Samuel sleeps. Pots clanking, chip bags opening, and breaking ice out of their molds have always been sure-fire ways to wake up our sleeping baby. We quietly set to work mixing all the ingredients. That's right, we didn't even use a packaged mix - we did it from scratch. :) Unfortunately we accidentally used the tablespoon instead of the teaspoon for the baking soda and salt, so our cookies tasted kinda "saltine cracker-y". What I loved more was that Noe wanted to make mega-sized cookies so he put huge scoops of dough onto the cookie sheet. Our cookies came out looking like cow patties. Look:
Yum yum! |
And to celebrate Samweli's 8 month old birthday, if you can call it that, I got a new serger! NO, the serger's not for me, it's for him, really! He will now be pooping on things that are much more finished around the edges. Haha. My gifted serger was giving me quite a few issues when I sewed the soakers for Samweli's diapers - not catching all the material and all - and this one seems to work like a beauty. I'm so excited! Below is my serger and my most recent diaper.
It's pink and cream colored! How cute! |
Camo cotton outer - hidden PUL - suedecloth inner |
In my next post, I'll show you how to cut your clothes drying time and save money with a super-easy, kid-friendly project! Of course, I have to finish doing it myself first so I can test out that theory. Hehe. I also have a funny video of Samweli, but had trouble uploading it, so maybe I can get it up in my next post.
Didn't get enough of my kid yet? I've uploaded a few new pictures in the Family Photos section of my blog (click on the tab under the blog title at the top of the page).
Becky, Samuel is getting so big, both of ours. We actually call ours Monkey:). Love reading the updates....
I remember you got all that monkey stuff at your shower. How cute! I was wondering how ya'll are settling in with your move and all. What part of the city are ya'll in?
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