Friday, May 18, 2012

Green Bean Garden

Kimberly, myself, and our row and a half of
freshly planted veggies.
We have a garden! This is the first one I've ever done. My mom, sister, and I are all working together on it. We have been blessed with good rain this year, so we haven't had to water it even once! Let's take a moment and thank God for that blessing. Thank you, Lord!

A retired gentleman opened up his property to the community. He tilled all the soil. All we had to do was decide what to plant. We didn't want too much of any one thing, so we chose to make a row of green beans and then a few carrots, cucumbers, and radishes.

We've just started harvesting our green beans, and my mom has gotten quite a few radishes. I'm going out tomorrow to pick up the 4th round of grown green beans. Honestly, I don't really even know what I'm doing, but the green beans have been super-easy. Plant beans 6 inches apart, about 2 inches down (like to your knuckle). Water. Grow. Pick.

We didn't want to mess with canning and were delighted to find out that we can just vacuum seal and freeze them. (Thank you, Aunt Peggy.) I might try blanching the next batch before I freeze them, but with this group, all I did was:
This is only HALF of our second crop of green beans!

1. Cut off ends.
2. Wash in vinegar water to kill bacteria.
3. Rinse in clear water.
4. Dry overnight.
5. Package and freeze.

Even Samweli was able to get in on the fun when I packaged them!

*Note:  My green beans were delicious when I boiled them without letting them thaw first. If you thaw or microwave them, I don't really know if they'll turn out as good.

A few extras:
The garden is extremely wet! Look at all that mud!!
Can you tell which ones are my legs? LOL!
My legs really are that white.
Here's my beautiful Rose Begonia at my house.
I just really like it and wanted to share. :)